With over thirty years of experience in advanced dental techniques, Dr. Damon offers treatment in all phases of general dentistry including endodontics (root canals), periodontics (gum therapy), oral surgery, implantology, and all phases of reconstructive care (replacing missing teeth with fixed or removable techniques). When necessary, we collaborate with some of the most respected names in specialized dentistry to make sure your treatment receives the highest consideration towards a successful completion.
Dr. Damon and his wife, Jennifer, are the proud parents of four children and have been Florida residents most of their lives. He is an undergraduate alumnus of Middlebury College, and obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Florida College of Dentistry. Dr. Damon continued his post-doctoral training at Shands Teaching Hospital in Gainesville, Florida receiving the certificate of Advanced General Dental Training with concentration in geriatric care at Shands and the Veteran’s Administration Hospitals.